Adrenaline Theatre Presents: the Lady Pirates of Captain Bree
It's that time of year again! Join the Adrenaline Theatre as they set sail on the high seas with The Lady Pirates of Captain Bree on February 26-28, 2025.
Tickets are on sale, starting January 6th, 2025. The prices for the tickets are $12 for a single or $40 for a family (parents/legal guardians) with children under16. In order to get tickets, please contact your local representative. When you order your tickets, you can pay with cash, cheque (Parkland Immanuel Christian school) or e-transfer ([email protected]). The tickets go fast, so get yours as soon as you can! We look forward to seeing you at Horizon Stage!
Immanuel - Melinda Hamoen: [email protected] or (780) 284-2404
Devon - Teri Scholtens: (905) 818-1317 or [email protected]
St. Albert - Nicole Sikkema: (780) 691-3175
Providence - Annette Veldkamp: [email protected]
Cornerstone URC - Jessica Klaassens: [email protected] or1(825) 436- 9547
Leduc URC - Melinda Hamoen: [email protected] or (780) 284-2404