Event Pictures
Careers The Next Generation Lunch Booth - December 5
Jill of All Trades at Nait - November 23
NAIT Next in Trades Event - November 18 at NAIT
Christian University Fair - November 16
Pastor Mark - Guest Speaker at High School Assembly - October 23
We welcomed Pastor Mark TenHaaf from Providence Canadian Reformed Church as a guest for the high school assembly.
He referred to Psalm 1 as he spoke about Personal Worship in our LIFE.
What does worship mean to you? It’s often understood as attending a church service, singing praises, praying together, and hearing the Word preached. However, personal devotion is not just when you come together at church or do devotions with your family.
There is a time of day that our devotions should be more intense, a time where we completely devote to God with our heart, soul and mind. It is absolutely crucial that we have this for ourselves. One day you won’t have the structure of devotions at school or with your family, and it’s important that you have your personal devotion time established, because this time will become a joy and a delight to you. You will hunger and thirst for it.
God will lead you in times of difficulty. If you haven’t experienced difficulty yet you will at some point. Your closeness and relationship with God is what will lift you up and carry you through.
When David was being pursued and kept away from worshipping in Jerusalem, he could plead with God and call out to him in confidence knowing that God would hear him and be there for him. This was because of his close relationship with God.
Pastor Mark asked what does your devotional life look like for you? Be strict with yourselves in times of dedication and in setting a routine in place. He gave a comparison of running. Running can be hard and not very enjoyable when you don’t do it consistently, but the practice and discipline can make it more enjoyable.
Personal devotion can be reading your Bible and praying to God. It can be challenging yourself to read your Bible in a year, in a month or over 2 years. It’s important to figure out what time of day works best for you. For some people early morning before everyone in the family is awake is best, it might be mid-day or before you go to bed.
In your personal devotion you can give thanks, open your heart, ask God to show you His ways and ask Him to teach you how He wants you to live.