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Marmot Basin Skiing Friday, March 7

For those interested, we hope to organize a ski day on the March 7 non-instructional day to take advantage of Marmot's school group rates. 

Youth rates are $64.00 for a lift ticket and 1 Hour Lesson ($95.00 with a full set of rentals), with a minimum of 10 youth required to qualify for the rate. Helmets are mandatory, and lessons are mandatory for all first-timers (please note that the lesson time is 11am). Rates are the same regardless of whether you take the lesson or not. Adult rates will be a maximum of $124 for a lift ticket or $173 including rentals.  All students qualify for the youth rate regardless of their age. 

Bus rates will be additional and will have limited availability (TBD; we may still need additional drivers/chaperones). This trip is intended primarily for senior students, and they will have priority bus seating. Parents and community members are welcome to join us for the ski day and on the bus as space allows; as well, students of all ages are welcome to take advantage of the school ski rate, though grades 8 and under must have a parent along and are not guaranteed a seat on the bus. 

The day will run from approximately 4:30AM til 8:30PM. All forms and payment must be in two weeks prior to March 7, but may be cancelled up to 48hrs before the ski trip without penalty. Please email Sharon deBoer at [email protected] as soon as possible so we can assess if there is enough interest to proceed. Your interest is not a commitment!

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