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PICS Late Policy

LATE POLICY for 9-12:

Regarding lates and punctuality we wanted to let you know what the expectations are for high school students.

Students are expected to be on time for devotions and all other classes. If your child is late for class/devotions in the morning or after lunch, you (the parents) will receive an email explaining that they were late. Once a student reaches three lates in a month, they will receive a detention over the lunch hour. If a student reaches 5 lates in a month, administration will contact parents to devise a solution.  Ongoing lates may impact extra-curricular activities (including school athletics, drama, lunch privileges and intramurals).

If your child is late for a legitimate reason, we ask that you inform the office so it is not counted as an unexcused late.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the office.

LATE POLICY for 5-8:

With the Middle School Division being that middle ground between the structure of Elementary and the freedom of Sr High, it is important that we inform you of the expectations for students being on time in Middle School. Students are expected to be on time for devotions and all other classes. If your child is late, you (the parents) will receive an email explaining that they were late. Once a student reaches three tardy's, they will receive a detention over the lunch hour. If it continues, it will impact extra-curricular activities (including school athletics, lunch privileges and intramurals).

If your child is late and it's an excused tardy, we ask that you inform the office that way it is not counted as an unexcused tardy.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Travis Patten - [email protected]

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