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Semestered Courses Midterm Exams: Grades 10-12

Semestered Course Exam Schedule: April 8-10 

Please note Grade 9 will have classes as usual through exam week.

  • Exams will run from 8:45 am -12:00 pm  
  • Classes will be cancelled for grade 10-12 students on November 8-10 to allow students some extra time to study.
  • Friday, April 11 is a Non-Instructional Day for High School, including Grade 9. 
Tuesday, April 8 Wednesday, April 9 Thursday, April 10
Social 30-1/30-2 English 20-1/20-2 Physics 20
Math 10 Chemistry 30 Chemistry 20
Science 10 Social 10 Math 30-1/30-2/30-3
  English 10  

Exam Protocol

Devotions start at 8:30 in homerooms as usual. Students will head to their designated exam room after devotions and wait for further instructions. Exams will begin around 9 a.m., and students may not leave before 10 a.m. (must stay for minimum one hour). Students should bring their own calculator (if required), pens and pencils, and any additional materials their teacher has allowed (ie formula sheet).  Students may bring a water bottle (hard plastic or metal – not disposable) and quiet snacks in their own packaging or a clear plastic bag.  Students are not allowed cell phones (use is restricted as per usual from 8:30-3:30), Smart watches, bags or backpacks, hats, or crunchy/loud snacks.  Cell phones will be collected upon arrival and can be retrieved from the office when students leave for the day.

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